Summer Fun!
Summer is all about family, friends, sun, and the beach! But we all know the sun can be harmful to our skin. Since, this is a fashion/beauty blog it is important to speak about just how important is to take care of ourselves while out and about during the warm summer months. Marketers have created a value proposition when it comes to sunblock. When wearing it and reapplying as needed, it can prevent you from suffering a severe sunburn, and can help prevent you from getting skin cancer as well. The value is wearing sunscreen can help later damage in the future. They created a message when advertising sunblock. They want people to protect themselves, which is important!
Video marketing is seen a lot for creams and stuff for skin, but during the summertime, consumers see even more video marketing for brands promoting their sunscreen. This is a good way to market themselves, because if the commercial is memorable, the consumer will go and buy their product. These commercials also play on social media, or are advertised there too, so it will reach even more people for awarness.