KKW Empire

Keeping Up With the Kardashians? I know I am! But just how did their television show build a Kardashian empire? It all started with the most famous Kardashian of all, Kim. The popular reality show began on E! in 2007, following her family as they lived their lives and became who they are today. The show is now taping for season 16. Kim is known for being the "queen" of selfies, and having the greatest style. She has 120 million Instagram followers, with 4,636 posts to date. On Twitter, she has 59 million followers. Kim's life is followed every single day with cameras, but she also lets fans in using her social media platforms. She has used her platform for importance such as gun violence in America, and also her everyday life as a working mother of three. One of the biggest uses of her social media now, especially Instagram is her Kim Kardashian West beauty line.
KKW Beauty

Kim launched a makeup beauty line called Kim Kardashian West Beauty, in 2017, right after her other famous and younger sister Kylie. The beauty line has blown up, with the first ever product selling out in 12 minutes. It went from just being foundations, lipsticks, and brushes to eye shadow palettes and perfume. Just how did Kim do it? She used her social media accounts. She posted about the release on Instagram and Twitter to all of her fans, who tweeted back to her, this getting her customer engagement. Kim uses Instagram stories and does makeup tutorials showing her followers how to get her flawless makeup looks.
Instagram is such an important social media platform, because it such an easy way to get customer's engaged. Instagram has Instagram stories, Instagram live, and recently IGTV.
Kim has also had her fair share of negativity on social media. Her concealers came under fire for not having enough options for people of other skin colors. She also came under fire when she posted photos for a campaign of hers and was criticized for "black face". Kim had responded to fans concern by immediately removing the photos off her social media platforms and re-released the campaign with better lighting photos. She had also apologized if she did offend anyone, as she was not trying too. As a Kardashian, she is used to the negativity that people associate with her, but it is the way she redeems herself that is important.
As with anything, social media can be good and bad for celebrities and influencers, but as long as they continue to use it the right way, they will be fine.