Using Social Media to Influence Followers
Who is Olivia Culpo?
Olivia Culpo is an 26 year old American model, actress, and beauty queen who who won Miss America 2012, representing her home state of Rhode Island. She recently starred in a show on the E! network called "Model Squad" where cameras followed her around with her model friends where fans got to know more about her every day life as your not so average model. My favorite thing about Olivia, is that she knows she is not the typical height of your everyday model, but she continues to work hard because this is what she wants badly. She recently just had a photo shoot for Sports Illustrated the swimsuit edition.
How She Uses Social Media to Influnce Her Followers
Olivia is known as a social media influencer. She currently has 3.5 million followers on her Instagram account and 236,000 followers on her Twitter. She is currently up for Revolve's Influencer of the Year Award. An influencer on social media is anyone who has established credibility in a industry. For Olivia, this would be fashion, since all her followers want to know where she got her latest pieces. Olivia has had deals with companies such as Pretty Little Thing where she got to design the pieces, and it was successful due to her fans trusting her and the style she has. It is important to remember as an influencer to build trust with your followers and keep them updated.
Olivia announced last week via her Twitter and Instagram that she will have her own YouTube channel. Check it out:
She already has posted 2 videos on her page, along with 8,000 subscribers already. Her posts will include her travels, family and friends, fashion, and her secret talent that many people did not know which is singing and playing the cello. YouTube is a great way to let fans in. They get to see the real Olivia, and what she does in her down time. This allows fans to feel like she is one of their friends, which helps Olivia make her credibility even stronger.